About Us ■

Dal 2004 ad oggi, Ingegneria Progetti srl è crescita grazie all’impegno costante e alla passione per il lavoro.

Un gruppo giovane pieno di

Our Company

Our reality was born in 2004 when Gaetano Pupella and Salvatore Priolo met and started to collaborate. thanks to the constant and the strong passion for their job, Ingegneria Progetti increased and became a company with a multidisciplinar structure and with more than 20 experts involved on different aspects like civil, industrial and environmental engineering, all over italy.

Our projects complete management is due to the work of different teams of specialized and competent roles (hydraulics, environments, installations, energies health and safety management, structures, surveys…) that work in coordination in order to obtain high quality projects output.

We are a young team that strongly believes in opportunities of development and that is thrilled about challenges from new technologies and innovations. We believe in the value of quality, ethics and professional responsibility.

Gaetano Pupella

Gaetano Pupella

CEO, BIM manager

Salvatore Priolo

Salvatore Priolo

CEO, BIM manager

The Team

Giuseppe Raccuglia

MEP, Energy & Security Systems design

Giuseppe La Placa

Services Asset Management, Thecnical designer, BIM specialist

Giuseppe Dominici

Project Manager, BIM specialist

Andrea Cusimano

Project manager, Civil design, Industrial design

Michele Piccolo

Architectural designer, BIM specialist

Luca Danesi


Daniela Tumminello


Maura Cutrì

Project Manager, Technical designer, Surveyor

Benedetto Trassari

Designer, Surveyor

Dario Scamardi

Structural Engineer

Pietro Miserendino

Project manager, Fire and Safety Engineer